September 2, 2010

Who's Yo Baby Daddy!?

Spike did a Top-10 Athletes With the Most Illegitimate Children.


Do you know any syphilitic, one-legged meth-addicted hookers who like lighting things on fire and talking about commitment? If so, the Houston Rockets alumni association may have someone willing to violate her behind a T.G.I. Fridays while Vernon Maxwell films it.

Interested? Read more here.

As a side note, the Mad Max reference got me interested in rediscovering the problems he had with the law.  On his Wikipedia page, there is a section dedicated to "Behaviorial Incidents."  I'll bring your attention to the 1997 incident.  Wow.


Dickfer said...

Shawn Kemp not number 1. Insane.

Drew Boatman said...


As in "Yeah I know I got this shit, now I'm a give it to you."

That is just new levels of grank-to.